
Gruber's grab

[delayed due to MarsEdit problems, I’m afraid]

And here is something genuinely to look forward to. John Gruber has decided to work full time on his site Daring Fireball. This might sound a little strange, out of context. To anyone reading (hello, anyone?) that is unaware, Gruber is a writer with a distinct quality to his work; he writes mostly about Apple and its products.

This is exciting both for him (“Daring Fireball is what I love to do”) and for us, his readers. With full time devotion, Daring Fireball will be able to expand in many ways, I’m sure, and I’ve no doubt that it can succeed through damn good content alone. To put it plainly, Gruber writes the best analysis I’ve come across. A recent standout was his article The iPod Juggernaut, and there’s a great quote in there:

In short, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, Apple’s iPod competitors are totally fucked.

It’s great because not only is his commentary well written, it’s done with such a personal style; no faux objectiveness or formalism often found elsewhere (included in my own writing, no doubt), just things as he sees them with good arguments to back up his views.

There’s not much else to say besides wishing John the best of luck, and to express my anticipation for consuming his work in the future.

P.S. John, if you’re listening; I’ll buy a DF-grey shirt with the star character on it — if you’ll leave off the words. I get enough questions about my tshirts as it is…